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New Announcement : Round 17 is Over
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Arena Categories next round:
  1. Highest Level
  2. Highest Begging Stat
  3. Most Collective War Points
  4. Biggest Can Collection
  5. Most Pawn Points
  6. Firstiest
Rules for next round:
  • ???
  • ???
  • ???
  • ???
You are Hobo Island
Tokens :

You receive 100 tokens every hour, and you can hold a maximum of 4000 tokens. It costs 80 tokens to make an attack.

When you attack another side you will face a random opponent from that side using up to 3 of your hobos from previous rounds. If you win, your side takes 1 war point from the losing side. There is no penalty for losing.

Visit the history tab in your living area to view your attacking party and to make any changes.