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Hobo World Records
Arena Round 11
as of 12:00 am, March 7th, 2020
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* Featured categories for this round

Highest Level - Levels Jerry. Levels. *
1) 1 (Scoot scoot) [hw1]
2) 1 (tramplina) [hw1]
3) 1 (Bobothehobo3) [hw1]
4) 1 (Parrothead) [hw1]
5) 1 (harshesh) [hw1]
6) 1 (Ljgshf) [hw1]
7) 1 (Notsobersemz) [hw1]
8) 1 (Gav114) [hw1]
9) 1 (Mclovein) [hw1]
10) 1 (unwashedcockandballs) [hw1]
11) 1 (Stinky Joe4712) [hw1]
12) 1 (Hobozarus) [hw1]
13) 1 (JeffreyD.) [hw1]
14) 1 (FirePig) [hw1]
15) 1 (MikeVicksDog) [hw1]
16) 1 (MrJenkins) [hw1]
17) 1 (Manky) [hw1]
18) 1 (Tuggsy) [hw1]
19) 1 (cb58logan) [hw1]
20) 1 (The Pie) [hw1]
[Show where I rank]
Highest Begging Stat - Those who are just asking for it *
1) 2.0000 (0ld D1rty 13astard) [hw1]
2) 2.0000 (AkeeNoSltFish) [hw2]
3) 2.0000 (My PP hurts!) [hw1]
4) 2.0000 (adadada) [fb]
5) 2.0000 (smokeweed) [hw1]
6) 2.0000 (Slag) [hw1]
7) 2.0000 (fuji) [hw1]
8) 2.0000 (McWobbleson) [hw1]
9) 2.0000 (Martina Mendel) [hw1]
10) 2.0000 (Wock Star) [hw1]
11) 2.0000 (ƒ LadyHoboKiller) [hw1]
12) 2.0000 (Shaon) [hw1]
13) 2.0000 (|DL|TheBig1) [hw2]
14) 2.0000 (who2) [hw2]
15) 2.0000 (billl bob boo) [hw1]
16) 2.0000 (GamingxexPert) [fb]
17) 2.0000 (Beatnik Bill) [hw1]
18) 2.0000 (Shantone02) [hw1]
19) 2.0000 (JustGotOuttaPrision Stan) [hw1]
20) 2.0000 (ƒ garymugg) [hw1]
[Show where I rank]
Biggest Can Collection - Highly qualified at bending over and picking things up *
1) 0 (Hater) [hw1]
2) 0 (zhell) [hw1]
3) 0 (georgeginger38) [fb]
4) 0 (~WSM~ mike hawkisbig) [hw1]
5) 0 (chargrkat ƒ) [hw1]
6) 0 (Rirft) [hw1]
7) 0 (TrashMaster) [hw2]
8) 0 (ison) [hw1]
9) 0 (Chris Hansford) [hw1]
10) 0 (SIM0N) [fb]
11) 0 (ƒ Boxcar Brianna ƒ) [hw1]
12) 0 (SpiritWarrior) [hw1]
13) 0 (Kvasir) [hw1]
14) 0 (CRABBY) [hw1]
15) 0 (Polgin) [hw1]
16) 0 (Dogglass) [hw1]
17) 0 (HwoodBob) [hw1]
18) 0 (I'll Blow you for $5) [hw1]
19) 0 (winner123ab) [hw1]
20) 0 (THE AWESOMEST HOBO) [hw1]
[Show where I rank]
Most Intelligent - How do u smrt so gud??? *
1) 2 (RiftRaft) [hw1]
2) 2 (Bertha) [hw2]
3) 2 (Caleb Keith) [hw1]
4) 2 (Parallel Universe Bert) [hw1]
5) 2 (Skipper666) [hw1]
6) 2 (ƒ SpaghettiSauce) [hw1]
7) 2 (-VII- QuadGlacierOne) [hw2]
8) 2 (Stebhon Harnett) [hw1]
9) 2 (Brodie Howard) [hw1]
10) 2 (RiffRaft) [hw2]
11) 2 (Cripgangsta37z) [hw1]
12) 2 ((Pieman) webby Lotto!) [hw1]
13) 2 (aethenoth) [hw1]
14) 2 (Abdul222) [hw1]
15) 2 (🔮 Virgin Venom) [fb]
16) 2 (Big Terrance) [hw1]
17) 2 (🔮 sean) [fb]
18) 2 (Adam OfGenises) [hw1]
19) 2 (Sean Michael) [hw1]
20) 2 (JigglyWibes6) [hw1]
[Show where I rank]
Most Pawn Points - Keeping those pawn store shelves stocked well and good. *
1) 0 (TridentRoom6661) [hw1]
2) 0 (nekrospider) [hw1]
3) 0 (DbagJenkins) [hw1]
4) 0 (Fruzz) [hw1]
5) 0 (THICC) [hw1]
6) 0 (Brobo42) [hw1]
7) 0 (May I, Papa?) [hw1]
8) 0 (GTQZADEEtototoTO) [hw1]
9) 0 (Mac Papa) [hw1]
10) 0 (Amare ƒ) [hw1]
11) 0 (OneBukSucc) [hw1]
12) 0 (DiddlerFiddler) [hw1]
13) 0 (FilthyFucker) [hw1]
14) 0 (Hobo_Serial_Killer) [hw1]
15) 0 (Stinkbeard) [hw1]
16) 0 (Halatosis) [hw1]
17) 0 (Dabo Sweeney) [hw1]
18) 0 (PurpsGurps) [hw1]
19) 0 (Nigga) [hw1]
20) 0 (Amplidude) [hw1]
[Show where I rank]
Combined Rat Level - Otherwise known as the Master Splinter award
[Show where I rank]
Biggest Drunkards - It's nothing to be proud of kids
[Show where I rank]
Most Banked Cash - Who has the rainiest of rainy day funds?
1) $100 (Scoot scoot) [hw1]
2) $100 (tramplina) [hw1]
3) $100 (Bobothehobo3) [hw1]
4) $100 (Parrothead) [hw1]
5) $100 (harshesh) [hw1]
6) $100 (Ljgshf) [hw1]
7) $100 (Notsobersemz) [hw1]
8) $100 (Gav114) [hw1]
9) $100 (Mclovein) [hw1]
10) $100 (unwashedcockandballs) [hw1]
11) $100 (Stinky Joe4712) [hw1]
12) $100 (Hobozarus) [hw1]
13) $100 (JeffreyD.) [hw1]
14) $100 (FirePig) [hw1]
15) $100 (MikeVicksDog) [hw1]
16) $100 (MrJenkins) [hw1]
17) $100 (Manky) [hw1]
18) $100 (Tuggsy) [hw1]
19) $100 (cb58logan) [hw1]
20) $100 (The Pie) [hw1]
[Show where I rank]
Most Collective War Points - Stocking up on cans of whoopass like it's armageddon
[Show where I rank]
Biggest Gumball - Those who kick ass at chewing bubble gum
[Show where I rank]
Highest Mining Stat - Mining is dangerous business. Experienced miners only. No minors. Can you dig it?
1) 0 (Xaliba) [hw1]
2) 0 (AshySlave) [hw1]
3) 0 (AshySlave5) [hw2]
4) 0 (TheHoboestHobo) [hw1]
5) 0 (Dauner_Light) [hw1]
6) 0 (raflyahartori) [hw1]
7) 0 (☢ Shano ☢) [hw1]
8) 0 (-VII- shadowhunter742) [hw2]
9) 0 (TaylorEG) [hw1]
10) 0 (Whiskey Jim) [hw1]
11) 0 (Gamebred) [hw1]
12) 0 (ERA90) [hw1]
13) 0 (Boo Stink) [hw1]
14) 0 (No 🚫 Rg0mx) [hw2]
15) 0 (Ikkekjent) [hw1]
16) 0 (hickerbilly) [hw1]
17) 0 (Up up up down) [hw1]
18) 0 (Ozymandias) [hw1]
19) 0 (Andrew Martinez) [hw1]
20) 0 (Augusto Alfonso) [hw1]
[Show where I rank]
Worst Pet Owner - You're a bad person and you should feel bad
[Show where I rank]
Firstiest - Be the one with the most ones and you will have won
1) 1 (ॐ Invisible fInk) [fb]
2) 1 (🍺 O'Callahan) [hw1]
3) 1 (Neji) [hw1]
4) 1 (Dinkledoop) [hw1]
5) 1 (Southern Gentleman) [hw1]
6) 1 (William of House Wonka) [hw1]
7) 1 (Morpheus) []
8) 1 (Mike Teevee) []
9) 1 (Arthur Slugworth) []
10) 1 (Charlie Bucket) []
11) 1 (Willy Wonka) []
12) 1 (MILF Hunter.) [fb]
13) 1 (|δiN| Capt.JaneyWay) [hw1]
14) 1 (Kat.) [fb]
15) 1 (Madmax™) [hw1]
16) 1 (RT The Phantom) [fb]
17) 1 (cubemonkey) [fb]
18) 1 (pib) [hw1]
19) 1 (‡Gorey‡) [fb]
20) 1 (Ding Dang Do) [hw1]
[Show where I rank]
Fight Category - First rule of fight category is don't talk about fight category. But if you really must know, it's how high you can level Tyler in the parking garage. That's the parking garage in Second City, not at the Chocolate Factory. Hop a ride on the short bus and go south two blocks, you can't miss it.
[Show where I rank]

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