Highest Level - Those that are slutting 24/7
Most Banked Cash - Who has the rainiest of rainy day funds?
1) $472,129 | (~Chiki~ ħяw) [fb] |
2) $438,149 | (GlitchяW) [fb] |
3) $355,424 | (Blin G) [hw1] |
4) $337,018 | (☲Mad dog 20-20) [fb] |
5) $315,150 | (High ۞) [hw1] |
6) $281,320 | (*H♠H* Leslie) [fb] |
7) $248,312 | (Gamedolf) [hw2] |
8) $242,373 | ([ƒ] the drifter) [hw2] |
9) $241,510 | (TL Fannie Mae) [hw1] |
10) $235,783 | (onin §) [hw2] |
11) $222,491 | (Digital Plague) [hw2] |
12) $220,840 | (H♠H DamnyouScott) [fb] |
13) $209,367 | ([CrAzY]M°Ï¤€D) [hw1] |
14) $195,974 | (aen) [hw1] |
15) $181,017 | (†TЯ Deadpool) [fb] |
16) $167,330 | (x0.|Z| King Ξ) [hw1] |
17) $155,602 | (Ψ KattyShawshank) [fb] |
18) $154,765 | (Unknown) [hw1] |
19) $139,790 | (Broge) [hw2] |
20) $130,913 | (-VII- 10sWild) [hw2] |
Most Collective War Points - These hobos are stocking up on cans of whoopass like armageddon is coming
Biggest Can Collection - Highly qualified at bending over and picking things up
1) 4,996 | (x0.|Z| King Ξ) [hw1] |
2) 4,761 | (Not §ilv3Ʀtip) [hw1] |
3) 4,408 | (Razor) [hw1] |
4) 4,369 | (|δiN| RedFalcon) [hw1] |
5) 4,350 | (~§~Buster) [hw1] |
6) 4,313 | ((Pieman) Kevorkian) [hw1] |
7) 4,140 | (YOMAMA619819) [fb] |
8) 3,953 | (Hotair10) [hw1] |
9) 3,825 | (roofoo) [hw1] |
10) 3,647 | (LieuHahn) [hw1] |
11) 3,638 | (AoH DumFuk) [hw1] |
12) 3,625 | ((SD) Kaуti [fb] &) [hw1] |
13) 3,488 | (The Love Machine) [fb] |
14) 3,487 | (billy banjo) [hw1] |
15) 3,471 | (Je§us H Chri§t) [hw2] |
16) 3,399 | (Vexxed) [fb] |
17) 3,374 | (]UR[Adam) [hw1] |
18) 3,369 | (*H♠H* Killer K) [fb] |
19) 3,310 | (Brak ™) [hw1] |
20) 3,285 | («]UR[» DelSys32) [hw1] |
Most Intelligent - How do u smrt so gud???
Biggest Drunkards - It's nothing to be proud of kids