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Hobo World Records
Arena Round 6
as of 4:03 pm, February 19th, 2015
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* Featured categories for this round

Grand Arena Rankings - Turning Hoboing into an art form
1) 65 points (Zippey) [hw1]
2) 86 points (Hotair10) [hw1]
2) 99 points (¤ Dara Licked ¤) [hw1]
3) 128 points (Crusader) [hw1]
4) 129 points (¤ARETOO¤) [hw1]
5) 150 points (InC0Gnit0) [hw1]
6) 151 points (ॐ Invisible fInk) [fb]
6) 151 points (|δiN| RedFalcon) [hw1]
7) 157 points (LoBe.Crusty the Claggins) [hw1]
8) 173 points (SupƸrloop) [fb]
9) 176 points (SirBilly) [hw1]
10) 178 points (#Blaxx(HW2 > ALL)) [hw2]
11) 197 points (roof) [hw1]
12) 204 points (Sparty) [hw1]
13) 213 points (|ÐÐ| WOLFF) [hw1]
14) 295 points (W☲LFF) [fb]
15) 302 points (Squeeeeeeps) [hw1]
16) 317 points (Subvert) [hw1]
17) 346 points (ƒ Bex) [hw1]
18) 355 points (Money is OP) [hw2]
18) 360 points ((Pieman) Kevorkian) [hw1]
19) 371 points (TL Fannie Mae) [hw1]
20) 391 points (Jammy Iris) [hw1]
[Show where I rank]
Combined Rat Level - Otherwise known as the Master Splinter award *
[Show where I rank]
Biggest Drunkards - It's nothing to be proud of kids *
[Show where I rank]
Biggest Can Collection - Highly qualified at bending over and picking things up *
1) 0 (cubemonkey) [fb]
2) 0 (mister tits.mcgee) [hw1]
3) 0 ((Pieman) Consigliere) [hw1]
4) 0 (burnEy. clone) [fb]
5) 0 (Doctor Know) [hw1]
6) 0 (Juleֆ) [hw1]
7) 0 (Yosh) [hw1]
8) 0 (fb Yosh (mail id=8)) [fb]
9) 0 (~V-H~ BÎG ÐÅÐÐ¥ HØBØ) [hw1]
10) 0 (Dolan Duck) [hw1]
11) 0 (Doody) [hw1]
12) 0 (12M neouser) [hw1]
13) 0 ((Pieman) Dogzbllx) [hw1]
14) 0 (‡Gorey‡) [fb]
15) 0 (¯\_( ツ )_/¯) [hw1]
16) 0 (ॐ Invisible fInk) [fb]
17) 0 (RT The Phantom) [fb]
18) 0 (Madmax™) [hw1]
19) 0 (|δiN|Capt.JaneyWay) [hw1]
20) 0 (MILF Hunter.) [fb]
[Show where I rank]
Highest Level - Levels Jerry. Levels.
1) 1 (cubemonkey) [fb]
2) 1 (mister tits.mcgee) [hw1]
3) 1 ((Pieman) Consigliere) [hw1]
4) 1 (burnEy. clone) [fb]
5) 1 (Doctor Know) [hw1]
6) 1 (Juleֆ) [hw1]
7) 1 (Yosh) [hw1]
8) 1 (fb Yosh (mail id=8)) [fb]
9) 1 (~V-H~ BÎG ÐÅÐÐ¥ HØBØ) [hw1]
10) 1 (Dolan Duck) [hw1]
11) 1 (Doody) [hw1]
12) 1 (12M neouser) [hw1]
13) 1 ((Pieman) Dogzbllx) [hw1]
14) 1 (‡Gorey‡) [fb]
15) 1 (¯\_( ツ )_/¯) [hw1]
16) 1 (ॐ Invisible fInk) [fb]
17) 1 (RT The Phantom) [fb]
18) 1 (Madmax™) [hw1]
19) 1 (|δiN|Capt.JaneyWay) [hw1]
20) 1 (MILF Hunter.) [fb]
[Show where I rank]
Highest Begging Stat - Those who are just asking for it
1) 2.0000 (cubemonkey) [fb]
2) 2.0000 (mister tits.mcgee) [hw1]
3) 2.0000 ((Pieman) Consigliere) [hw1]
4) 2.0000 (burnEy. clone) [fb]
5) 2.0000 (Doctor Know) [hw1]
6) 2.0000 (Juleֆ) [hw1]
7) 2.0000 (Yosh) [hw1]
8) 2.0000 (fb Yosh (mail id=8)) [fb]
9) 2.0000 (~V-H~ BÎG ÐÅÐÐ¥ HØBØ) [hw1]
10) 2.0000 (Dolan Duck) [hw1]
11) 2.0000 (Doody) [hw1]
12) 2.0000 (12M neouser) [hw1]
13) 2.0000 ((Pieman) Dogzbllx) [hw1]
14) 2.0000 (‡Gorey‡) [fb]
15) 2.0000 (¯\_( ツ )_/¯) [hw1]
16) 2.0000 (ॐ Invisible fInk) [fb]
17) 2.0000 (RT The Phantom) [fb]
18) 2.0000 (Madmax™) [hw1]
19) 2.0000 (|δiN|Capt.JaneyWay) [hw1]
20) 2.0000 (MILF Hunter.) [fb]
[Show where I rank]
Most Banked Cash - Who has the rainiest of rainy day funds?
1) $100 (cubemonkey) [fb]
2) $100 ((Pieman) Consigliere) [hw1]
3) $100 (burnEy. clone) [fb]
4) $100 (Doctor Know) [hw1]
5) $100 (Juleֆ) [hw1]
6) $100 (Yosh) [hw1]
7) $100 (fb Yosh (mail id=8)) [fb]
8) $100 (~V-H~ BÎG ÐÅÐÐ¥ HØBØ) [hw1]
9) $100 (Dolan Duck) [hw1]
10) $100 (Doody) [hw1]
11) $100 (12M neouser) [hw1]
12) $100 ((Pieman) Dogzbllx) [hw1]
13) $100 (‡Gorey‡) [fb]
14) $100 (¯\_( ツ )_/¯) [hw1]
15) $100 (ॐ Invisible fInk) [fb]
16) $100 (RT The Phantom) [fb]
17) $100 (Madmax™) [hw1]
18) $100 (|δiN|Capt.JaneyWay) [hw1]
19) $100 (MILF Hunter.) [fb]
20) $100 (Willy Wonka) []
[Show where I rank]
Most Collective War Points - Stocking up on cans of whoopass like it's armageddon
1) 42 (Trapezohedron) [fb]
2) 25 (Łƒblitzmom) [fb]
3) 20 ((Pieman) Tomas Torquemada) [hw1]
4) 19 (mmmm.) [hw1]
5) 14 (Tsuruya) [hw1]
6) 13 (Lady Lioness VII) [fb]
7) 12 (roof) [hw1]
8) 11 (ßallzdeep) [hw1]
9) 6 (Capades Fours) [hw1]
10) 6 (Krun) [hw1]
11) 4 (ƒ HoboKing) [hw1]
12) 3 (  Boombastic) [hw1]
13) 2 (roo-fu) [hw2]
14) 1 (§Boemie§) [hw2]
15) 1 (Ψ KattyShawshank) [fb]
[Show where I rank]
Most Intelligent - How do u smrt so gud???
1) 2 (cubemonkey) [fb]
2) 2 (mister tits.mcgee) [hw1]
3) 2 ((Pieman) Consigliere) [hw1]
4) 2 (burnEy. clone) [fb]
5) 2 (Doctor Know) [hw1]
6) 2 (Juleֆ) [hw1]
7) 2 (Yosh) [hw1]
8) 2 (fb Yosh (mail id=8)) [fb]
9) 2 (~V-H~ BÎG ÐÅÐÐ¥ HØBØ) [hw1]
10) 2 (Dolan Duck) [hw1]
11) 2 (Doody) [hw1]
12) 2 (12M neouser) [hw1]
13) 2 ((Pieman) Dogzbllx) [hw1]
14) 2 (‡Gorey‡) [fb]
15) 2 (¯\_( ツ )_/¯) [hw1]
16) 2 (ॐ Invisible fInk) [fb]
17) 2 (RT The Phantom) [fb]
18) 2 (Madmax™) [hw1]
19) 2 (|δiN|Capt.JaneyWay) [hw1]
20) 2 (MILF Hunter.) [fb]
[Show where I rank]

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